Gateway to awareness 12 12 2024 portal
There is a opportunity when such grand cosmic alignments are active. The universe, the stars, planets and the Earth we live on are all super charged with this alignment! You may feel it in your body. I have for the last week. How do you know? This is when we have to listen with your whole body, mind and spirit. I notice the little things. I am more hungry, I sleep more. Also have many conversations come up regarding changes, lots of endings and beginnings. I am listening to all these message. Also pay attention to the season, what is nature doing. At the moment here we are going through winter. Which means colder days, less sunlight, and slower bodies! We are tucked in ,in the warmth and eating warming foods. Sitting in our thoughts more. What are you thinking about? Are you building in your mind, reflecting on the year that's past?
The 12 12 to me is a moment to do that. To look at what has happened in the last year. 12,the number of completion, perfection and cosmic order. To me that translates that everything happened just as it should. Even if there was struggle, it is all perfect! IT is life, and life has all the flavors!
We are connected.
Cosmic alignments are not the only time to do this. We can do this everyday!
What are you choosing?
The 12 12 to me is a moment to do that. To look at what has happened in the last year. 12,the number of completion, perfection and cosmic order. To me that translates that everything happened just as it should. Even if there was struggle, it is all perfect! IT is life, and life has all the flavors!
Where do we go from here?
This is the beautiful moment when we get to choose. If you feel stuck or not happy, choose something else. Look at why you feeling stuck. Is this something deeper then just not liking your job, what is at the core. Are you feeling out of alignment? That might translate as frustration or anger, or pain in the body. Unsettled, and chaotic, heavy, low energy. We have the power to change this with our thoughts. this is a great time to use this energy from the alignment to power the next steps. We are connected.
Just ask and it is yours to share! When we call in the energy to our body, you will feel it trickle through everything! You might get a new idea, or a fresh perspective, a new friend may come along. The key is to change your frequency, your vibration in your human body. It is very true that like attracts like....we see this with magnets. We are the magnet to what ever energy we are putting out!
If you are getting lots of not so good people coming around it is a sign to change your energy. Feed new thoughts ,clear old programs that no longer work for you! This can come from past life, society, family ,school. We have a choice! Cosmic alignments are not the only time to do this. We can do this everyday!
What are you choosing?